20 novembre 2022

The Foias constant

The Foias constant [1] is the unique initial value $x_1= \alpha$ such that the sequence defined by the recurrence $$x_{n+1} = \left(1+\frac{1}{\, x_n} \right)^n$$ diverges to $+\infty$. Numerically, it is 
$$\alpha=1.18745235112650 \ldots$$
No closed form for the constant is known, and its transcendence has not been proven so far.

The constant is named after Ciprian Ilie Foias (1933-2020), a Romanian-American mathematician famous for contributing to PDE, Operator Theory, and Control Theory [2, 3].

The history of its discovery is a curious example of serendipity. In the mid-seventies, when Foias was teaching at the University of Bucharest, an error of a typist changed an easy basic exercise to a very challenging one. Foias took the challenge and eventually solved the accidentally invented difficult problem [4].

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foias_constant
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciprian_Foias
[3] Remembrances of Ciprian Ilie Foias, Notices AMS 69 (9), October 2022.
[4] J. Ewing, C. Foias: An Interesting Serendipitous Real Number. In Finite versus Infinite: Contributions to an Eternal Dilemma (Ed. C. Caluse and G. Păun). London: Springer-Verlag, pp. 119–126, 2000.

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